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Posted 19.06.19

Ten Siri Life Hacks to Simplify your Day

Most Apple-enthusiasts will be aware of the fact that Siri can drop some serious beatbox-beats, tell you fairy stories, have a stab at the meaning of life, and even join in with knock-knock jokes, but utilising Siri’s many talents can also make your life easier in many ways.

Here are 10 Siri life hacks to simplify your day…

1.Become a language expert

Siri can translate English into nine different languages, including French, Spanish, Arabic and even Japanese and Brazillian-Portugese. Simply ask questions like: “Hey Siri. How do you say “where is the cinema?” in Russian?” and she will translate instantly. No more frantic Googling when you need to ask for a few beers in Paris, or find the bathroom in that Barcelona bar…

2. Get prepared for the weather

This may sound like a simple thing, but asking for a weather report while running around getting ready in the morning can help you to prepare for the day ahead, pack the right gear and even select the best jacket! Make sure you have your location services turned on, and just ask Siri…

3. Make quick currency conversions

If you’re on holiday or on a business trip, making some quick currency conversions might come in pretty handy. Siri can make speedy conversions, so if you need to know how much your new NYC-bought Levi’s will cost you in British pounds, just ask!

4. Grab an Uber

Need a cab quickly? Siri can link quickly with Uber to call you a taxi. Just say “Hey Siri, call me an Uber” and she will open the app for you, and call you a ride. Boom!

5. Get clued up on the latest acronyms

If you’re confused about the latest acronyms, simply ask Siri! She will break down what FOMO, LOL and BFF all mean, without having to sneakily Google the answers. Nifty!

6. Easy measurement and weight conversions

If you need some super quick inches to centimetres, or lbs to grams conversions, just ask Siri to break them down for you. You just never know when it will come in handy…

7. Be illuminated

Sounds like such a simple task, but sometimes, the flashlight function on your iPhone really comes into its own. Next time you can’t find your door key, or need to locate your emergency Ikea tealights in a power cut, just ask Siri to turn on the torch and get yo’self illuminated. She will also turn it off for you when you’re finished. You’re welcome!

8. Never get stuck for a spelling…

If, like most people, there are a few spellings that always seem to elude you, Siri can help! So the next time you need to check the correct spelling of mischievous, necessary or conscientious, just yell for help and Siri will talk you through it.

9. Sort out your settings

Did you know that Siri can switch your wifi and Bluetooth on and off, adjust the volume and even turn up your screen brightness? Well, she can! In fact, anything that can be accessed by your Settings panel can be sorted by your mysterious friend…

10. Control your home…

Siri can be accessed via the HomePod too, so if you want her to control your lights and heating, download the Home app and take it from there and as an added bonus, you might feel a tiny bit like Tony Stark with Jarvis. A bit.

Get your hands on the very latest iPhone XS Max right here, and see how Siri can simplify your day…

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