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Posted 24.07.20

Apple in FE Webinar Series

We’re pleased to be hosting an Apple in FE webinar series across August and September 2020, focussing on the use of technology in FE. These sessions are designed to help facilitate the move to digital workflows.

In it’s July 2020 publication, the Independent Commission on the College of the Future (ICCF) outlines how “the pandemic has accelerated the need for change”, listing the “technological revolution” as one of the core areas to explore.

In support of the ICCF’s vision, we have created a three-part series – exploring ways to introduce digital workflows in to FE, with a focus on key topics: assessment and feedback, classroom practice and universal design.

Assessment and Feedback ✅


In this ‘Apple in FE’ webinar we explore the role of iPad in supporting the feedback and assessment process to support both workload and student progress.

Register free here.

Classroom Practice ?‍?


In this webinar we look at how the iPad can be utilised to support classroom organisation and workflow to allow for alternative approaches to delivery.

Register free here.

Universal Design ?


Considered learning design can be the difference between how well learners achieve. Join us as we take a look at universal design principles that allow all learners to engage and develop.

Register free here.

About the presenter

All of the Apple in FE webinar sessions in this series are presented by Mat Pullen. Mat is a seasoned educator, Senior Lecturer at the University of South Wales and a certified Apple Professional Learning Specialist (APLS).

Missed a session?

Can’t make on to our Apple in FE sessions? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We’ll be posting all of our session recordings on our YouTube channel. You can also get in touch and arrange a 1:1 session with our education consultants, to explore how technology could be used to support your institution.

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