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1:1 and Personalised Learning

Every child learns differently. So why shouldn’t they each get the opportunity to carve their own educational path with personalised learning? While even a limited number of Apple educational devices hold incredible value in a school environment, having over 200 students sharing them does present limitations and challenges to individual learning needs.

This is where our 1:1 approach comes into play. Scaling up your educational tech offering to one device per student may seem like a daunting prospect, but Sync is here to help you make this ultimate educational dream a cost-effective and achievable reality.

No student left out

24/7 learning

Cost neutral solution

No Student Left Out

The 1:1 scheme delivers equitable access to the latest Apple tech within your school. Each and every student will have access to their very own device, ensuring fair and even learning opportunities for each of them, regardless of background or ability.

24/7 Learning

Having access to their own devices that they can use both in and out of of school provides your students with 24/7 access to learning. This can result in accelerated learning and development, revolutionising the concept of ‘homework’.

A Cost Neutral Solution

You might be thinking that this approach will carry an insurmountable cost to your school budgets, but this is not the case. Our Personalised Learner programme features a range of established financing options to make our 1:1 device deployments a cost-neutral initiative for your school.

Contact our consultants today to find out how we can make personalised learning work for your school.

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CPD (Continual
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Speak to a specialist today...

Get in touch with our education team about the right solution for your institution.

0161 605 3838 | education@wearesyncdev.co.uk

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